Remembering 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan

On a fateful morning of October 08, 2005, mountains of Kashmir trembled and earth in Punjab shook for 23 seconds resulting in a worst clamity in history of Pakistan. The aftershocks that followed the intial 7.6 magnitude earthquake affected 80% of Punjab and 70% of NWFP. Hundreds of thousands died and millions went homeless.
The government was initially slow and gaudy in its response, relief activities were delayed due to lack of equipment and skills. However, public reaction towards the disaster was awesome. People of Pakistan, regardless of their faith, caste or creed, were united in relief and rehabiliation activities for the earthquake affected. During the aftermath of earthquake, we saw massive support campagins, in and abroad Pakistan, where governments, organizations and individuals came forward to help the affected by cash and kind.
October 8, 2009 marks the fourth anniversay of the earthquake. A lot has been done for rehabilitation of the affected but more is still required. The emotional scars will take time to heal but for that physical support and assistance should always be there. On this day, we should analyze and inquire about current condition of those who went homeless after the disaster. Have they received what had been promised to them by the government? What is the current situation of the orphans, the widows and the handicapped? What happened to the New Balakot City?
Also, we have to know what are our disaster management and recovery prepration now? Have we learned any lessons after the collapse of Margala Towers? Do we have required equipment and skills available to deal with similar situations? If not, then we are sitting ducks, as usual.


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